Madonna Magazine

Author: Michael McGirr

If there are more than 100 matches, only the first 100 are displayed here.

    A point of contemplation

    Michael McGirr

    Humanity needs food and shelter to survive, but the soul also needs feeding.


    Listen and look

    Michael McGirr. 03 March 2023

    The Gospel of Matthew is a treasure, replete with colourful images and a call to see the world as God sees it.


    Within a loving grasp

    Michael McGirr

    Hands tell a story of their owners. They reach, grasp, soothe, turn away or beckon, and the lined hands of age are also the lined hands of knowledge built up over many years.


    A spoonful of kindness

    Michael McGirr

    Chalk drawings, street libraries and the spoonville communities have been bright spots in the dreariness of lockdowns.


    A sermon in bronze

    Michael McGirr. 04 May 2020

    The juxtaposition of the bronze statue ‘Homeless Jesus’ outside the elegant chapel at Newman College, Melbourne University, is a call of faith.


    Interpretation in the eye of the beholder

    Michael McGirr

    Our Lady of Tarrawarra asks us to be open to God, even as she shows that God is open to us.


    Arms wide open

    Michael McGirr

    Not every painting needs to be famous. On my desk at work is an image that two dear friends brought back from Brazil when they went there for World Youth Day a few years ago. I can’t even tell you who the artist is: the work is signed simply Marcelo. 


    Taken down

    Michael McGirr. 10 March 2017

    The worst thing that can happen to any Christian is for their experience of the cross to become bland. It’s understandable that this might happen when there are crosses everywhere. You find them on churches, schools, badges, uniforms, flags and even on hot buns. The cross is so familiar that we could pass by without recalling what it represents


    The sun is God'

    Michael McGirr. 10 March 2017

    ‘The sun is God’, artist J. M. W. Turner is said to have uttered on his deathbed. Whatever he might have meant by these words, they indicate the importance of colour and light in his work: he has been hailed the ‘painter of light’.


    A woman in love

    Michael McGirr. 10 March 2017

    Bernini’s The Ecstasy of St Teresa depicts a saint who is alive to the present moment, able to let God take her breath away