Madonna Magazine

Author: Andrew Hamilton SJ

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    Faith & spirituality in review

    Andrew Hamilton SJ

    Gerald O’Collins SJ, Letters to Nevie: Learning from the Scriptures, St Pauls, ISBN 9781910365120 By any measure Gerald O’Collins has been a prolific author in his life as a world-class theologian. In what one believes is his 66th published book, we see the consummate teacher writing a series of beautifully crafted letters to his teenage grandniece, Nevie…


    Faith & spirituality in review

    Andrew Hamilton SJ

    I confess that I came to Freedom in the Spirit without great enthusiasm. In my prayer and preaching I find more life in the stories and images of the Gospels than in the discursive texts. Because St Paul’s letters are light on stories I leave them aside.


    Faith in the family

    Andrew Hamilton SJ. 10 March 2017

    The Synod on the Family, which may have begun and even concluded by the time you read this article, has caused a stir. Bishops have publicly differed about some topics to be discussed in it, priests have taken up petitions, and journalists wondered if it might divide the Church. If family life is a happy topic, the Synod has strangely put frowns on many faces. Why is this so?